List of the Newest R packages

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100 newest R packages

as of Sunday, March 23
All CRAN published R packages by year:

Rank Name Title Release version Maintainer
1 blit Bioinformatics Library for Integrated Tools 0.1.0 Yun Peng
2 DistributionIV Distributional Instrumental Variable (DIV) Model 0.1.0 Anastasiia Holovchak
3 Docovt Distributed Online Covariance Matrix Tests 0.1 Guangbao Guo
4 eiopt2 Ecological Inference for RxC Tables via Nonlinear Quadratic Optimization 0.1.1-6 Jose M. Pavía
5 emcAdr Evolutionary Version of the Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm 1.2 Jules Bangard
6 GTEs Group Technical Effects 1.0.0 Yang Zhou
7 awdb Query the USDA NWCC Air and Water Database REST API 0.1.1 Kenneth Blake Vernon
8 cnd Create and Register Conditions 0.1.0 Jordan Mark Barbone
9 AgePopDenom Model Fine-Scale Age-Structured Population Data using Open-Source Data 0.4.0 Mohamed A. Yusuf
10 bolt4jr Interface for the 'Neo4j Bolt' Protocol 1.4.0 Wanjun Gu
11 Certara.RDarwin Interface for 'pyDarwin' Machine Learning Pharmacometric Model Development 1.1.1 James Craig
12 EpiSimR A 'Shiny' App to Simulate the Dynamics of Epidemic and Endemic Diseases Spread 1.1 Nassim AYAD
13 acledR Manipulate ACLED Data 0.1.0 Trey Billing
14 causalQual Causal Inference for Qualitative Outcomes 1.0.0 Riccardo Di Francesco
15 crane Supplements the 'gtsummary' Package for Pharmaceutical Reporting 0.1.0 Daniel D. Sjoberg
16 DER Income Polarization Index 1.0 Michail Tsagris
17 disagg2 Support Functions for Time Series Analysis Book 0.1.0 Erin Hodgess
18 FRApp FRAP Data Analysis Using Nonlinear Mixed Effect Models with 'shiny' 1.0.0 Gioia Di Credico
19 BlueCarbon Estimation of Organic Carbon Stocks and Sequestration Rates from Soil Core Data 0.1.0 Nerea Piñeiro-Juncal
20 chores A Collection of Large Language Model Assistants 0.1.0 Simon Couch
21 fetwfe Fused Extended Two-Way Fixed Effects 0.4.4 Gregory Faletto
22 gaawr2 Genetic Association Analysis 0.0.2 Jing Hua Zhao
23 godley Stock-Flow-Consistent Model Simulator 0.2.2 Elżbieta Jowik
24 HGDMr Hysteretic and Gatekeeping Depressions Model 1.0.0 Kevin Shook
25 ILSAstats Statistics for International Large-Scale Assessments (ILSA) 0.3.7 Andrés Christiansen
26 qountstat Statistical Analysis of Count Data and Quantal Data 0.1.1 Benjamin Daniels
27 runExamplesWrapper Wrapper for 'run_examples()' 1.0 Barry Zeeberg
28 steppedwedge Analyze Data from Stepped Wedge Cluster Randomized Trials 1.0.0 Avi Kenny
29 tab2xml XML Generation from Tables 1.0.0 Jose Samos
30 traumar Calculate Metrics for Trauma System Performance 1.0.0 Nicolas Foss
31 vigicaen 'VigiBase' Pharmacovigilance Database Toolbox 0.15.5 Charles Dolladille
32 codelist Working with Code Lists 0.1.0 Jan van der Laan
33 GitAI Extracts Knowledge from 'Git' Repositories 0.1.0 Kamil Wais
34 HRTnomaly Historical, Relational, and Tail Anomaly-Detection Algorithms 25.2.25 Luca Sartore
35 orcamentoBR Download Official Data on Brazil's Federal Budget 1.0.3 Daniel G. Reiss
36 RobPC Robust Panel Clustering Algorithm 1.4 Hasan Bulut
37 skewunit Estimation and Other Tools for Skew-Unit Models 1.0 Diego Gallardo
38 transportr Transporting Intervention Effects from One Population to Another 0.1.0 Nicholas Williams
39 UAHDataScienceO Educational Outlier Detection Algorithms with Step-by-Step Tutorials 1.0.0 Andriy Protsak Protsak
40 aftables Create Spreadsheet Publications Following Best Practice 1.0.2 Olivia Box Power
41 ASML Algorithm Portfolio Selection with Machine Learning 1.0.0 Brais González-Rodríguez
42 ctablerseh Processing Survey Data with Confidence Intervals Like 'SPSS' Software 1.1.2 Asy-Syaja'ul Haqqul Amin
43 gander High Performance, Low Friction Large Language Model Chat 0.1.0 Simon Couch
44 MSCA Clustering of Multiple Censored Time-to-Event Endpoints 1.0 Marc Delord
45 netknitr Knit Network Map for any Dataset 0.2.1 Jayachandra N
46 popsom7 A Fast, User-Friendly Implementation of Self-Organizing Maps (SOMs) 7.1.0 Lutz Hamel
47 SDModels Spectrally Deconfounded Models 1.0.4 Markus Ulmer
48 fastQR Fast QR Decomposition and Update 1.0.0 Mauro Bernardi
49 gimap Calculate Genetic Interactions for Paired CRISPR Targets 1.0.3 Candace Savonen
50 correlatio Visualize Details Behind Pearson's Correlation Coefficient 0.1.0 Marcel Miché
51 datamedios Scraping Chilean Media 1.1.0 Exequiel Trujillo
52 decompML Decomposition Based Machine Learning Model 0.1.1 Kapil Choudhary
53 Dogoftest Distributed Online Goodness-of-Fit Tests for Distributed Datasets 0.1 Guangbao Guo
54 fishgrowth Fit Growth Curves to Fish Data 1.0.1 Arni Magnusson
55 logos Access to the Hebrew, Greek, and English Version of the Bible 0.1.0 JP Monteagudo
56 musicXML Data Sonification using 'musicXML' 1.0.1 Benjamin Renard
57 PiC Pointcloud Interactive Computation for Forest Structure Analysis 1.0.3 Roberto Ferrara
58 SimTOST Sample Size Estimation for Bio-Equivalence Trials Through Simulation 1.0.2 Thomas Debray
59 UAHDataScienceSF Interactive Statistical Learning Functions 1.0.0 Andriy Protsak Protsak
60 BaHZING Bayesian Hierarchical Zero-Inflated Negative Binomial Regression with G-Computation 1.0.0 Jesse Goodrich
61 changepointGA Changepoint Detection via Modified Genetic Algorithm 0.1.0 Mo Li
62 chatRater Rating and Evaluating Texts Using Large Language Models 1.1.0 Shiyang Zheng
63 fishstat Global Fishery and Aquaculture Statistics 2024.1.0.1 Arni Magnusson
64 flint Fast Library for Number Theory 0.0.3 Mikael Jagan
65 indexr A Thoughtful Saver of Results 0.2.2 Logan Harris
66 polykde Polyspherical Kernel Density Estimation 1.0.0 Eduardo García-Portugués
67 rpcss Constitution of Core Collections by Principal Component Scoring Strategy 0.1.0 J. Aravind
68 simqi Simulate Quantities of Interest from Regression Models 0.1.0 Steve Miller
69 UAHDataScienceSC Learn Supervised Classification Methods Through Examples and Code 1.0.0 Andriy Protsak Protsak
70 UAHDataScienceUC Learn Clustering Techniques Through Examples and Code 1.0.1 Andriy Protsak Protsak
71 ClusterGVis One-Step to Cluster and Visualize Gene Expression Data 0.1.2 Jun Zhang
72 guideR Miscellaneous Statistical Functions Used in 'guide-R' 0.1.0 Joseph Larmarange
73 multilandr Landscape Analysis at Multiple Spatial Scales 1.0.0 Pablo Yair Huais
74 PRMethods D-Hondt, Sainte-Lague, and Modified Sainte-Lague Methods for Seat Allocation 0.1.0 Pau Bello Pérez
75 rangr Mechanistic Simulation of Species Range Dynamics 1.0.6 Katarzyna Markowska
76 jobqueue Run Interruptible Code Asynchronously 1.5.1 Daniel P. Smith
77 evesim Evolution Emulator: Species Diversification under an Evolutionary Relatedness Dependent Scenario 1.0.0 Tianjian Qin
78 fracARMA Fractionally Integrated ARMA Model 0.1.0 Muhammed Irshad M
79 giniCI Gini-Based Composite Indicators 0.1.0 Viet Duong Nguyen
80 IFTPredictor Predictions Using Item-Focused Tree Models 0.1.0 Muditha L. Bodawatte Gedara
81 NLPwavelet Bayesian Wavelet Analysis Using Non-Local Priors 1.0 Nilotpal Sanyal
82 ptetools Panel Treatment Effects Tools 1.0.0 Brantly Callaway
83 rchroma A Client for 'ChromaDB' 0.1.0 David Schoch
84 sgdGMF Estimation of Generalized Matrix Factorization Models via Stochastic Gradient Descent 1.0 Cristian Castiglione
85 swash Swash-Backwash Model for the Single Epidemic Wave 1.1.0 Thomas Wieland
86 tomledit Parse, Read, and Edit 'TOML' 0.1.0 Josiah Parry
87 BayesChange Bayesian Methods for Change Points Analysis 1.1.2 Luca Danese
88 geocodebr Geolocalização De Endereços Brasileiros (Geocoding Brazilian Addresses) 0.1.1 Rafael H. M. Pereira
89 LeadSense Medtronic Brain Sense Local Field Potencial Analysis Paulo Bastos
90 manydist Unbiased Distances for Mixed-Type Data 0.4.3 Angelos Markos
91 rockx Easily Import Data from Your 'ODK-X Sync Endpoint' 0.1.0 Emil Rossing
92 echos Echo State Networks for Time Series Modeling and Forecasting 1.0.1 Alexander Häußer
93 ForLion 'ForLion' Algorithm to Find D-Optimal Designs for Experiments 0.1.0 Siting Lin
94 gaussratiovegind Distribution of Gaussian Ratios 1.0.1 Pierre Santagostini
95 IVPP Invariance Partial Pruning Test 1.0.0 Xinkai Du
96 metaquant Estimating Means, Standard Deviations and Visualising Distributions using Quantiles 0.1.1 Udara Kumaranathunga
97 parseLatex Parse 'LaTeX' Code 0.3.0 Duncan Murdoch
98 PatientLevelPrediction Develop Clinical Prediction Models Using the Common Data Model 6.4.0 Egill Fridgeirsson
99 quadVAR Quadratic Vector Autoregression 0.1.2 Jingmeng Cui
100 R.AlphA.Home Feel at Home using R, Thanks to Shortcuts Functions Making it Simple 1.0.0 Raphaël Flambard


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