A platform that allows you to search through 23,842 R packages, compare across various packages based on name or keywords in their descriptions.
Rank | Name | Title | First published | Maintainer |
1 | leaps | Regression Subset Selection | 1997-12-10 | Thomas Lumley |
2 | oz | Plot the Australian Coastline and States | 1998-02-25 | Kurt Hornik |
3 | acepack | ACE and AVAS for Selecting Multiple Regression Transformations | 1998-03-25 | Shawn Garbett |
4 | mda | Mixture and Flexible Discriminant Analysis | 1998-04-17 | Trevor Hastie |
5 | akima | Interpolation of Irregularly and Regularly Spaced Data | 1998-08-20 | Albrecht Gebhardt |
6 | tripack | Triangulation of Irregularly Spaced Data | 1998-08-20 | Albrecht Gebhardt |
7 | pspline | Penalized Smoothing Splines | 1998-11-25 | Brian Ripley |
8 | logspline | Routines for Logspline Density Estimation | 1998-11-25 | Charles Kooperberg |
9 | stable | Probability Functions and Generalized Regression Models for Stable Distributions | 1998-12-09 | Bruce Swihart |
10 | pls | Partial Least Squares and Principal Component Regression | 1999-01-11 | Kristian Hovde Liland |
11 | quantreg | Quantile Regression | 1999-01-11 | Roger Koenker |
12 | mlbench | Machine Learning Benchmark Problems | 1999-02-24 | Kurt Hornik |
13 | lmtest | Testing Linear Regression Models | 1999-03-15 | Achim Zeileis |
14 | KernSmooth | Functions for Kernel Smoothing Supporting Wand & Jones (1995) | 1999-04-08 | Brian Ripley |
15 | gee | Generalized Estimation Equation Solver | 1999-04-08 | Brian Ripley |
16 | sm | Smoothing Methods for Nonparametric Regression and Density Estimation | 1999-04-08 | Adrian Bowman |
17 | tree | Classification and Regression Trees | 1999-04-08 | Brian Ripley |
18 | boot | Bootstrap Functions (Originally by Angelo Canty for S) | 1999-04-08 | Alessandra R. Brazzale |
19 | rpart | Recursive Partitioning and Regression Trees | 1999-04-08 | Beth Atkinson |
20 | rmutil | Utilities for Nonlinear Regression and Repeated Measurements Models | 1999-04-09 | Bruce Swihart |
21 | chron | Chronological Objects which Can Handle Dates and Times | 1999-04-10 | Kurt Hornik |
22 | locfit | Local Regression, Likelihood and Density Estimation | 1999-04-10 | Andy Liaw |
23 | polynom | A Collection of Functions to Implement a Class for Univariate Polynomial Manipulations | 1999-04-12 | Bill Venables |
24 | cluster | "Finding Groups in Data": Cluster Analysis Extended Rousseeuw et al. | 1999-04-12 | Martin Maechler |
25 | sgeostat | An Object-Oriented Framework for Geostatistical Modeling in S+ | 1999-04-21 | Albrecht Gebhardt |
26 | ash | David Scott's ASH Routines | 1999-04-21 | Albrecht Gebhardt |
27 | event | Event History Procedures and Models | 1999-04-21 | Bruce Swihart |
28 | repeated | Non-Normal Repeated Measurements Models | 1999-04-21 | Bruce Swihart |
29 | growth | Multivariate Normal and Elliptically-Contoured Repeated Measurements Models | 1999-04-21 | Bruce Swihart |
30 | gnlm | Generalized Nonlinear Regression Models | 1999-04-21 | Bruce Swihart |
31 | cclust | Convex Clustering Methods and Clustering Indexes | 1999-04-26 | Kurt Hornik |
32 | princurve | Fit a Principal Curve in Arbitrary Dimension | 1999-04-26 | Robrecht Cannoodt |
33 | date | Functions for Handling Dates | 1999-05-03 | Kurt Hornik |
34 | fracdiff | Fractionally Differenced ARIMA aka ARFIMA(P,d,q) Models | 1999-05-19 | Martin Maechler |
35 | bindata | Generation of Artificial Binary Data | 1999-05-19 | Kurt Hornik |
36 | quadprog | Functions to Solve Quadratic Programming Problems | 1999-05-27 | Berwin A. Turlach |
37 | coda | Output Analysis and Diagnostics for MCMC | 1999-06-04 | Martyn Plummer |
38 | e1071 | Misc Functions of the Department of Statistics, Probability Theory Group (Formerly: E1071), TU Wien | 1999-06-07 | David Meyer |
39 | gss | General Smoothing Splines | 1999-07-06 | Chong Gu |
40 | tseries | Time Series Analysis and Computational Finance | 1999-07-09 | Kurt Hornik |
41 | rmeta | Meta-Analysis | 1999-08-11 | Thomas Lumley |
42 | wavethresh | Wavelets Statistics and Transforms | 1999-10-11 | Guy Nason |
43 | NISTnls | Nonlinear least squares examples from NIST | 1999-11-04 | Douglas Bates |
44 | mclust | Gaussian Mixture Modelling for Model-Based Clustering, Classification, and Density Estimation | 1999-11-04 | Luca Scrucca |
45 | norm | Analysis of Multivariate Normal Datasets with Missing Values | 1999-11-05 | John Fox |
46 | nlme | Linear and Nonlinear Mixed Effects Models | 1999-11-23 | R Core Team |
47 | foreign | Read Data Stored by 'Minitab', 'S', 'SAS', 'SPSS', 'Stata', 'Systat', 'Weka', 'dBase', ... | 1999-12-17 | R Core Team |
48 | RMySQL | Database Interface and 'MySQL' Driver for R | 2000-02-04 | Jeroen Ooms |
49 | SASmixed | Data sets from "SAS System for Mixed Models" | 2000-02-12 | Steven Walker |
50 | dse | Dynamic Systems Estimation (Time Series Package) | 2000-04-21 | Paul Gilbert |
51 | tframe | Time Frame Coding Kernel | 2000-04-21 | Paul Gilbert |
52 | cfa | Configural Frequency Analysis (CFA) | 2000-05-13 | Patrick Mair |
53 | ineq | Measuring Inequality, Concentration, and Poverty | 2000-05-13 | Achim Zeileis |
54 | RODBC | ODBC Database Access | 2000-05-24 | Brian Ripley |
55 | maptree | Mapping, Pruning, and Graphing Tree Models | 2000-06-13 | Robert B. Gramacy |
56 | Matrix | Sparse and Dense Matrix Classes and Methods | 2000-07-15 | Martin Maechler |
57 | gafit | Genetic Algorithm for Curve Fitting | 2000-08-17 | Telford Tendys |
58 | ellipse | Functions for Drawing Ellipses and Ellipse-Like Confidence Regions | 2000-08-19 | Duncan Murdoch |
59 | PHYLOGR | Functions for Phylogenetically Based Statistical Analyses | 2000-08-31 | Ramon Diaz-Uriarte |
60 | conf.design | Construction of factorial designs | 2000-09-08 | Bill Venables |
61 | tensor | Tensor product of arrays | 2000-09-14 | Jonathan Rougier |
62 | sn | The Skew-Normal and Related Distributions Such as the Skew-t and the SUN | 2000-09-25 | Adelchi Azzalini |
63 | mgcv | Mixed GAM Computation Vehicle with Automatic Smoothness Estimation | 2000-10-04 | Simon Wood |
64 | gld | Estimation and Use of the Generalised (Tukey) Lambda Distribution | 2000-11-02 | Robert King |
65 | splancs | Spatial and Space-Time Point Pattern Analysis | 2000-11-05 | Roger Bivand |
66 | mvtnorm | Multivariate Normal and t Distributions | 2000-11-14 | Torsten Hothorn |
67 | XML | Tools for Parsing and Generating XML Within R and S-Plus | 2000-11-15 | CRAN Team |
68 | scatterplot3d | 3D Scatter Plot | 2000-11-16 | Uwe Ligges |
69 | StatDataML | Read and Write StatDataML Files | 2000-11-22 | David Meyer |
70 | bootstrap | Functions for the Book "An Introduction to the Bootstrap" | 2000-12-06 | Scott Kostyshak |
71 | xtable | Export Tables to LaTeX or HTML | 2000-12-13 | David Scott |
72 | write.snns | Function for exporting data to SNNS pattern files | 2001-01-08 | Manuel Castejon Limas |
73 | mvnmle | ML Estimation for Multivariate Normal Data with Missing Values | 2001-01-11 | Mao Kobayashi |
74 | R2HTML | HTML Exportation for R Objects | 2001-01-25 | Milan Bouchet-Valat |
75 | exactRankTests | Exact Distributions for Rank and Permutation Tests | 2001-02-20 | Torsten Hothorn |
76 | bqtl | Bayesian QTL Mapping Toolkit | 2001-03-02 | Charles C. Berry |
77 | cmprsk | Subdistribution Analysis of Competing Risks | 2001-03-12 | Bob Gray |
78 | SuppDists | Supplementary Distributions | 2001-04-11 | Thorsten Pohlert |
79 | cramer | Multivariate Nonparametric Cramer-Test for the Two-Sample-Problem | 2001-04-12 | Carsten Franz |
80 | PTAk | Principal Tensor Analysis on k Modes | 2001-04-19 | Didier G. Leibovici |
81 | maxstat | Maximally Selected Rank Statistics | 2001-04-23 | Torsten Hothorn |
82 | car | Companion to Applied Regression | 2001-05-01 | John Fox |
83 | sem | Structural Equation Models | 2001-05-01 | Zhenghua Nie |
84 | Oarray | Arrays with Arbitrary Offsets | 2001-05-15 | Robin K. S. Hankin |
85 | strucchange | Testing, Monitoring, and Dating Structural Changes | 2001-05-17 | Achim Zeileis |
86 | muhaz | Hazard Function Estimation in Survival Analysis | 2001-05-18 | David Winsemius |
87 | lpridge | Local Polynomial (Ridge) Regression | 2001-05-18 | Martin Maechler |
88 | lattice | Trellis Graphics for R | 2001-05-18 | Deepayan Sarkar |
89 | lgtdl | A Set of Methods for Longitudinal Data Objects | 2001-05-21 | Arthur Allignol |
90 | geoR | Analysis of Geostatistical Data | 2001-05-28 | Paulo Justiniano Ribeiro Jr |
91 | sna | Tools for Social Network Analysis | 2001-05-28 | Carter T. Butts |
92 | lokern | Kernel Regression Smoothing with Local or Global Plug-in Bandwidth | 2001-06-13 | Martin Maechler |
93 | survival | Survival Analysis | 2001-06-22 | Terry M Therneau |
94 | Rwave | Time-Frequency Analysis of 1-D Signals | 2001-07-12 | Jonathan M. Lees |
95 | fields | Tools for Spatial Data | 2001-07-27 | Douglas Nychka |
96 | fastICA | FastICA Algorithms to Perform ICA and Projection Pursuit | 2001-08-10 | Brian Ripley |
97 | vegan | Community Ecology Package | 2001-09-06 | Jari Oksanen |
98 | pixmap | Bitmap Images / Pixel Maps | 2001-09-10 | Achim Zeileis |
99 | waveslim | Basic Wavelet Routines for One-, Two-, and Three-Dimensional Signal Processing | 2001-10-18 | Brandon Whitcher |
100 | qtl | Tools for Analyzing QTL Experiments | 2001-10-30 | Karl W Broman |
I sometimes ask myself a question - how can I find an R package that does X Y Z? Well, there are many sites that give you that answer. But I still feel that they aren't giving enough. That's why I built this site. If you like it, then go to https://github.com/oobianom and give me a thumbs up.